wow! the most awaited’s reaLLy been different after coLLege, it’s very rare for us to see each other and quite impossibLe to do out of town trips..
we meet up at micheLLe’s pLace, caLL time was 5:30AM but as usuaL..Late comers wiLL aLways be Late comers!! we (micheLLe, nang2, gjhen, panggoy, pheng, champy, jing, ebe, and me) hit the road around 8:30AM aLready..
we basicaLLy Looked for a resort not too crowded..everyone was up for a swin since it’s been Like the hottest time of the day when we got there..i didn’t join them though ’coz i just got my hair rebond..

i just took care of the things and food..pLus try to heLp baby sit my bestfriend’s much as i hate being Linked with my bestfriend, it’s inevitabLe..i’m not sure when wiLL the issue die but hope it’s’s aLready giving me creeps! i mean, i stiLL care for him--he’s my bestfriend, but ’’s been Like 2-3 years ago! i moved on (beLieve it or not)!
anyway, we took a Late Lunch at ebe’s was warm and windy--their rest house is on top of a hiLL..we then just tried to catch up with what’s happening with each other’s Lives..
we headed back home around 7PM to avoid rush pathetic though, what the heLL were we thinking?!? this is maniLa, it’s aLways traffic!!! i had a bLast’s nice to have peopLe around you whom you’re comfortabLe with..
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