it was quite a ceLebration..2 days in a row, i’ve fiLed my Leave on the 15th and 16th..aLfie and i went to Libis (bLue onion bar) on the 15th together with his ate aiLene, aLdrin, renier, kuya darwin, racqueL, ate jo, ate abby, and her bf..
i aLmot Lost my cooL and canceL the whoLe thing due to the pestering traffic in maniLa..dammit! i Left the house before 7pm and got in cainta at 10:30pm..the traffic was insane! i aLmost broke up with him..haha! poor guy..Luv him though, so i can’t Let him go!
so anyway, the crowd was great..we even ordered a shot per Liquor avaiLabLe in the menu--it was hiLarious! can’t even remember the taste afterwards..i was aLready tipsy by 3AM..we decided to hang-out in starbucks untiL around 4:30AM..then i spent a coupLe of hours in aLfie’s house before heading back home, can’t reaLLy remember how i manage to do that though..hehe!
i ceLebrated my birthday at home around Lunch time, or shouLd i say "my famiLy" ceLebrated my birthday around Lunch time (as i was stiLL sLeeping)..then my bf and i met up with my coLLege friends around dinner time..we just had dinner at mocha bLend and hang-out in starbucks (again)..
it was a bit formaL for our taste but since ceehj was not reaLLy in the mood to party (since she just found out that her bf’s cheating on her) and izza’s not reaLLy aLLowed to go to a bar by herseLf (as per her bf’s demand) it was a good excuse to catch up with each other..we spLit up around 1AM, since the coffee shop was aLready cLosing up..i was supposed to go out for yet another dinner and coffee with my friends back home yesterday, but since they canceLLed, i just stayed home and had a harry potter movie marathon..
today, im back to work! so now, i’m officiaLLy oLd by my! as i got stuck-up at 21..seriousLy, i now start to forget my age..duh! signs of getting oLd--deniaL!!! ahahaha..
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