it’s aLmost three months since i started in a caLL center..never thought that i’LL Last this Long, in fact i never thought that i’LL be working in one (hahaha), but hey--here i am! it’s not so bad after aLL; or maybe i am just Lucky enough to have a very Light account (according to my co-empLoyees who came from a different account)..it’s just too bad that i can’t see my friends in a reguLar basis!
to be honest, i’m very thankfuL to Him..because for some sort of reason--even we have a Lot of debts, we stiLL manage to go on and push through! i feeL Like He’s bLessing me more than the persons around me and i just feeL so fLattered..for instance, He aLways supported aLL my decisions in Life; right or wrong, smart or dumb--i aLways feLt His presence otherwise i might have cracked up!
right now, i’m having a bLast with my batchmates--Lahat kaLog! even our team Leader! actuaLLy a coupLe of our team Leads and their assistants inspire me..i’m not quite sure how do they handLe irrate customers, but it feeLs so good to know that you couLd actuaLLy grow in this kind of profession..
i’m not quite decided yet if i’LL reaLLy pursue a career in a caLL center but as of now im reaLLy contented..i stiLL want to study tv/movie making in the future (hopefuLLy sooner than Later) or go to US but just for a visit..
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