waah!! our trip to zambaLes..it’s actuaLLy teacher’s camp but my bf’s schooL principaL aLLowed me to tag along..the retiring room isn’t much but at Least the food was great..the host and the speakers were aLL interesting..i can’t reaLLy remember their names though..but they kept me awake the whoLe time, which is a good sign..

it was different from aLL the camps and seminars i’ve been into..i’m not even sure how to expLain everything i’ve Learned in their taLks..too much words are coming out of my head and i think it’s best to just keep them in there..haha!!
aLfie and i had a petty fight though on our second night in the camp, which got out of hand and i end up crying aLL night..i guess i aLso feLt guiLty for picking up a fight with him when he had just received a very good news (he just passed LET)..i tried to patched things up with him though first thing in the morning on our third day in the camp..
he gave me his bookLet with a message in it..i wanted to cry at that moment again, i never feLt so touched with the words he says, but that note was reaLLy something..i was aLso pLanning to put a note in my bookLet to give it to him before we head back home but he beat me to it, but i did it anyways..

the bus going back to their school was so Late, it was already around 3-4PM when we Left zambaLes..
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