i'm in the middLe of a diLemma..
i don't know whom to taLk to and the onLy person who i think wouLd understand the whoLe picture is thousands miLes away..
it's hard when the 2 peopLe you trust and respect most are doing or saying two different things about each other at the same time..
who wouLd you trust most? how wouLd you know who's teLling the truth? the thing that hurts me the most is that another friend's well-fare is at stake..
how wouLd you teLL a person you trust him more than the other without hurting the other party? without jeopardizing anyone’s career and friendship..
another problem, how would you teLL someone’s short-comings if that person is very dear to you and most probably, that’s the Last thing that person would Like to hear at the moment..
how wouLd you aLso Let go of something you’ve worked so hard for and give it up for something that is uncertain and unfamiliar?
how wouLd you deaL with aLL these thoughts and decisions at the same time?!? DAMN! it’s nerve-wracking!!!
sometimes i just want to sLeep and wake up after everything’s over..but that’s not how things happen..i know I have to deal with it one way or another, the question is how?!? . . .
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