we went to mt. romeLo Last hoLy week (mar. 21-23, 2008)..it was actuaLLy my 3rd time and aLfie's 4th going there..together with us were his cousins, renier and kuya darwin, pLus their spouses racqueL and ate jo--of course not to forget jacq, a common friend..
caLL time was actuaLLy before 6am, but we aLready hit the road around past 7am..thanks to renier! ahaha..
it took us approximateLy 4 hrs. traveL before reaching sinuLuan and another 2 hours hike going to the camping site..
the usuaL commute was, of course draning and it was onLy jacq, courageous (and stupid--hehe) enough to carry her Load up to the camp site..gosh! bLess her..haha!! ours were brought by a rented horse, ahaha! as the saying goes "di baLe nang tamad, huwag Lang pagod!"..hehe
the pictures above were taken during our second stop..there's Like 3 or 4 stations actuaLLy where you can rest and enjoy the "unLimited buko suppLy"..
the pictures on the Left were taken on our third stop and in buruwisan faLLs (this was actuaLLy on our second day aLready)..it was actuaLLy a bit crowded because of the one's trying the repeLing..

the pictures on the Left were taken on our third stop and in buruwisan faLLs (this was actuaLLy on our second day aLready)..it was actuaLLy a bit crowded because of the one's trying the repeLing..
"the pictures on the right were taken naman in Lansones..camwhoring to the max, even everyone's coLd--ahaha!!!"
my onLy regret from this trip was not being abLe to go back to my favorite pLace--"batya-batya".. weLL, aLL thanks to my ever caring bf..
he actuaLLy did not bother to wake me up because he assumed i was aLready too tired..but duh?! at Least Let me know naman where you guys are going di ba?! pero cge na nga bati napo tayo..ahehe!!
"syempre dapat may kanya-kanyang pang friendster primary photos..mga mountaineers kuno..with mga back packs pa yan as props! toinks!.."
"just before heading back home..ayaw paawat!! up to the Last minute, picture taking pa rin..weLL, the pictures on the Left were some rare group pics..thanks sarao!"
besides the bad news before we even got back home, everything was wonderfuL..over aLL, it's aLways a nice break from work..pLus the fact that we got to see and meet new and oLd faces..♀
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