since not aLL us know each other weLL, we basicaLLy stick with our groups..none stop picture taking while waiting for the rented van and kitkat’s ride..we hit the road around past 8AM..
there was no formaL scheduLe, so basicaLLy we just hang around, sing-aLong, food trip, and drinking session..i onLy had one bottLe, i’m not in the mood to get drunk and aLL..
probabLy the highLight of the event, was during the truth or dare thingy..when ate bing admitted that she admired kitkat, it was a bit hiLarious--i don’t mean to judge ate bing but it takes gut to do what she did and i’m proud of her! if i were my oLd seLf, i think i wouLd have done the same--good thing i’m not! i’m trying to stay away from oLd far, so good!
"ja, para Lang sirena ah!!"
"kantahan na!! go cher..este si jaja po yan.."
anyway, we went back reaLLy earLy (around 5AM, i think) that we can hitch a ride with kitkat, as there’s a coding..bummer as we weren’t abLe to buy any pasaLubong, i reaLLy wanted a buko pie!
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