Tuesday, April 10, 2007

mountain cLimbing at mt. romeLo..

i reaLLy don’t feeL Like working now..my whoLe body’s crying for bed, can’t move my thighs and it feeLs Like aLL my muscLes are twisted!! aargghh..

yesterday, we got back from a 3-day hiking/camping at mt. romeLo in Laguna..it was actuaLLy my first time to go hiking, which was fun but hate the aftermath..weLL, what do i expect--can’t remember when was the Last time i exercised..

anyway, i went to my bf’s pLace Last apr. 6 around 6AM, as it was the meeting pLace..he did not mention to me though that aLL his friends were maLe..i feLt out of pLace at first but they’re aLL very nice and accommodating..

the traveL from their pLace to mt. romeLo was aLready tiring..
it was about 3-4 commute in a jeepney and tricycLe (not very comfy)..

at first i was reaLLy psyche about the whoLe thing but after 30 minutes hike with the bag on my
back, i’m ready to head home..

i’m not trying to be a prima donna but i was reaLLy out of breathe and i can’t keep up with those guys..
so what they did was take turns in carrying my bag, which didn’t change the fact that the sun was taking aLL the energy out of me..

but LuckiLy got on the camping site after about 2-3 hours hike..we set up the tent and prepared for Lunch..the guys were aLready excited to go to aLL the faLLs around
the mountain, i’m not! damn, i’m not wonderwoman--but i Let them be..

went to bed earLy and the next day (apr. 7), i was up to see the pLaces they’re most proud of..

we first went to "Lansones" as they caLL it--it was worth it!

you wouLd have to swim a LittLe to reach the mini waterfaLLs, which you can cLimb..on top of it has Like a mini bath tub with another waterfaLLs..

since me and my bf can’t swim, they cut a "baging" (the one tarzan uses to swing from one tree to another), which is reaLLy strong--then we try to hoLd onto it to get to the mini faLLs..i can’t get enough of the mini bath tub (as we caLL it)--it was so reLaxing..we headed back to the camping site
after about an hour and a haLf..i was ready to rest but the guys decided to go to another site, "sampaLoc"..

even i was aLready tired, i tag aLong because i don’t want my bf’s friends to think that i’m an ass..but fatigue got into me--it was Like another 45 minutes hike to steep traiLs and my ankLes and knees are giving up..

they tried to crack jokes but didn’t work this time, they were not abLe to taLk to me the rest of the trip back to the camping site..

i took a nap as soon as i got in our tent, whiLe
the guys wandered and mingLed with the other campers (inuman session na)..got up around 11PM to eat dinner, i was starving aLready..

the next day, the guys went to buruwisan faLLs, i did not tag aLong as i'm aLready worried if i can even go down the stupid traiL..they came back just before Lunch and we headed home after we ate..

we arrived at aLfie's pLace around 7PM--i didn't stay Long coz i reaLLy want to hit my bed..it was a fun experience, but i'm not sure if i'd Like to go through aLL that troubLe again though..haha!!

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