Sunday, September 18, 2005

another sunday duty..

another Sunday duty…hmmmm…

daming nangyayari ngayon sa buhay ko..
and I don’t even have time to stop and think for awhiLe..

dami kong namimiss na events..
dami kong namimiss na get-togethers..
dami kong namimiss na happenings..

i Love what i’m doing, but it seems Like it’s taking too much of my time..
i’ve been askin’ myself LateLy, “is it worth it?” ung mga gngawa ko?

is my job more important than my friends?
is my job more important than church service?
is my job more important than my promises w/ my sister?

i don’t know..i’m confuse..
it’s Like i’m screaming but nobody’s hearing it..
i wanna cry but no tears are faLLin’..

peopLe are aLL over me but I feeL so aLone..
i feel heLpLess..
but i know i’m not..

maybe i juz don’t know where to start..
maybe i’m juz too emotional..

puro MAYBEs..=(

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