phones Lines have been crazy tonight and i'm not reaLLy in the mood to grandma's stiLL in the hospitaL, she didn't show much progress over the past 4 days..everybody's been uptight, not to mention tired (physicaLLy, emotionaLLy, spirituaLLy).. but i'm reaLLy thankfuLL for aLL the peopLe praying for her recovery..everybody's optimistic, i just can't think of anything eLse but for her to get better..
i aLso dropped by my friend's wife who just gave birth the other day..she's just a fLoor away from my grandma's room..didn't stay too Long since i have to go to work..
during the start of my shift, i tried watching hancock over the net but then the queue just gets in the way and the buffering was taking forever, so i finaLLy gave up during the Last 26 minutes of the fiLm..i'd probabLy try to finish it tommorrow..
oh! i remember, yesterday i stumbLe on my cousin's bLog and was quite shocked on the things written..i know they're aLL growing up but just can't accept the fact that they encounter too much troubLe..i know it's reaLLy none of my business but i just can't Let my cousins screw their Life up or at Least get into too much troubLe..i miss them a Lot and i hope to see them again..topic of conversation wouLd be a probLem though..
anyway, i onLy have about 2 hours remaining before my shift ends..i reaLLy don't feeL weLL, i want to hit my bed..♀
i aLso dropped by my friend's wife who just gave birth the other day..she's just a fLoor away from my grandma's room..didn't stay too Long since i have to go to work..
during the start of my shift, i tried watching hancock over the net but then the queue just gets in the way and the buffering was taking forever, so i finaLLy gave up during the Last 26 minutes of the fiLm..i'd probabLy try to finish it tommorrow..
oh! i remember, yesterday i stumbLe on my cousin's bLog and was quite shocked on the things written..i know they're aLL growing up but just can't accept the fact that they encounter too much troubLe..i know it's reaLLy none of my business but i just can't Let my cousins screw their Life up or at Least get into too much troubLe..i miss them a Lot and i hope to see them again..topic of conversation wouLd be a probLem though..
anyway, i onLy have about 2 hours remaining before my shift ends..i reaLLy don't feeL weLL, i want to hit my bed..♀
1 comment:
kaya nga you start downloading the movie at the start of the shift e.. after lunch tamo naka load na lahat yun
and meddling is a sticky business
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