Friday, May 20, 2005

meeting DONDON HONTIVEROS for the first time..

it's one of the most memorabLe day of my nakiLaLa me sa yahoo groups si ate mimie..

kanina nagkita kami and she invited me sumama with her sa Victory Christian Fellowship and we attended YOF (Youth On Fire) service..

i had a bLast especiaLLy dahiL nagtestify si kuya dondon..after the service, ate mimie introduced me to kuya dondon..

tapos nagchikahan kami ng konti, imagine kausap ko ng one-on-one si Mr. Dondon Hontiveros!

gosh! pag-uwi ko and hyper ko sobra! tinanong pako ni mama kung nag-drugs ako, hehe! ibang LeveL ako nun..hahahaha!!

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