Saturday, May 28, 2005

kuya don and pj's bday ceLebration..

today’s kuya dondon (28) and peter june simon’s (27-purefoods pLayer) birthday/fan’s day..

the party was reaLLy simpLe for micheLLe, kuya dondon’s friend was not abLe to prepare any program..the gathering was actuaLLy to coLLect donations for the upcoming outreach program of the two pLayers..

they are to support 100 Less fortunate eLementary and high schooL students in RizaL..we are fortunate to be abLe to raise just enough for schooL bags, notebooks, baLLpens, crayons, pads, ruLers, etc..

then kuya dondon asked us to group ourseLves in 5 teams and come up with the best cheering we couLd within 30 minutes..LuckiLy, our group won and we got ring side tickets for their upcoming game against aLaska..

after the game, we just ate merienda courtesy of JoLLibee (hehe) and the 2 pLayers pLayfuLLy answered personaL was sort of an ambushed interview, so it was aLL fun..

after eating, we were given souvenirs Like shirt and wrist bands with signitures..

it was very memorabLe, never thought i’d be abLe to chat with these pLayers up-cLose and personaL! can’t wait for the outreach..

see ya soon!!!

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