Saturday, June 4, 2005

outreach at cainta, rizaL..

wow! it was a tiring but fun day..earLier i attended kuya dondon and pj's outreach..they supported at Least 100 schoLars from a schooL at cainta, rizaL..can't reaLLy remember the name of the schooL, but most of the kids came from Victory as weLL..the program started with pastor robert's bLessings, foLLowed by kuya don and pj's speech..then we had a bit of a game (bring me and trivia from the bibLe), wherein the prizes were bags donated by the fans of the 2 pLayers..

aLL the kids were so into it, we can't stop Laughing..some even cheat just to win one (ahaha!)..anyway, we had snack after a few minutes, which is sponsored by Regent (thanks Regent for the generous offer)..after eating, the schooL suppLies were distributed and picture taking and signing of autographs soon the time the program ended, the rain was aLready pouring hard--good thing kuya don offered us a ride since pareho naman ng way..

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