Friday, January 18, 2008

re-assignment to caLLs..

i sent my officiaL request to reassignment to caLLs to my former supervisor (im not sure how to address him anymore)..a Lot of peopLe might not understand my view but i'm reaLLy not happy with where i am..i'm not sure if im just pms-ing or what, but i'm reaLLy confused on where i stand..i used to Look forward to going to work than staying at i want to be in neither pLace..

i feeL so stupid for crying for no reason (weLL, there's a reason) but i'm not sure why i waste my tears to such petty things..i'm not sure if it's just my ego or what..i don't reaLLy want to bLame others for my happiness, coz i beLieve it's a personaL choice whether you want to be happy or not..i guess i've been in my comfort zone for so Long and now it's hard for me to adjust..

weLL, he promised me to do everything he can to transfer me back to my oLd team but i'm just not counting on it anymore..i've heard his Lines for so many times aLready! so we'LL see..♀

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