Thursday, January 17, 2008


wow! i wasn’t abLe to meet my goaL for the nth time..i promised myseLf to update my bLog ever so often..nothing much happened anyway, but i’LL stiLL do my recap..

i spent my new year’s day together with my bf..i dropped by their pLace but his parents and sibLings were at his grandparent’s house, so i wasn’t abLe to greet them..then we headed to tita myra’s pLace as trip again (no wonder, i gained so much weight!)..

then i got my promotion Letter the next day, i feLt very fuLfiLLed for at Least meeting my goaL in a timeLy manner..the probLem is, where do i go from here?! i’m stuck in a smaLL account and there’s pretty much Less room for career growth..i’m stiLL debating whether to move from my comfort zone and tackLe the unknown or be more patient and stick with what i have..who knows?!

i cooked carbonara for my team mates and cLose coLLeague, as part of the tradition (Libre)..ahehe! then Last jan. 16, i met up with my hs friends at LittLe asia in greenhiLLs to ceLebrate my promotion and to catch up with what’s new with’s been awhile since I was able to hang out with these guys! too bad it was a short notice for the guys, not aLL of them were enabLe to tag aLong..but aLL is weLL for most of us..

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